Less Revenue Loss.

Mitigate CMS and HAC penalties, patient complications, and readmissions through Caringly, the intelligent transition of care platform that prevents miscommunication.

Chart showing care transition quality going up as medical errors and CMS penalties go downRepresentation of computer screen with heading Dynamic Care Transition Checklists and checkboxes for illness severity, medications, problems and allergies, I/O, vitals, actions, summary, metabolic panel, CBC panel. At the bottom there are two labels that say Curated by AI Rules Engine and Only Relevant Info for Provider, respectively.
Team of clinicians, doctors, nurses, of different ethnicities, confident and smiling
The Problem

Miscommunication Costs Millions

Communication breakdown during transitions of care contributes to an estimated 80% of serious medical errors, which lead to complications, penalties, and lost revenue.

$254 million lost revenue from HAC penalties

$566 million in hospital readmission penalties

$328,800 average revenue loss from HAC penalties

Although EHRs were expected to address this problem, they’ve been found to impede intra-team communication and cause information overload, leading to clinicians missing important information.

Our Solution

The Right Information, Between the Right Clinicians, at the Right Time

Caringly prevents costly penalties by facilitating structured, quantified, and contextual information exchange between providers during shift changes, transfers, handoffs, and rounding. Unlock cost reduction opportunities with Caringly’s length of stay data and care continuum metrics.


Reduce Readmissions

Prevent medical errors that lead to costly readmission with dynamic prompts, checklists, reminders, and safeguards that intelligently adapt to the provider’s needs and the patient’s condition.

Diagram with 3 main elements. At the center is an AI Rules Engine. Connected to its left is an icon that represents the Provider. To the AI Rules Engine's right is an icon representing the Patient's Condition. At the bottom of this chart is a list consisting of Reminders, Prompts, Alerts and Checklists.Representation of dialog prompt with a warning symbol that asks "Of the 9 patients in your list, you have added Notes for 3 patients. Please add Notes for these patients before completing the handoff."


Decrease HACs - Adverse Events

Caringly’s patent-pending algorithms and user-friendly interface display information that’s relevant to the patient’s condition and care transition context, speeding up handoffs and improving care outcomes.

Screen that shows collapsible sections of patient info such as Illness Severity, Actions, Vitals, Metabolic Panel, Problems and Allergies, and Medications. At the top there is a check mark and label that says Curated by AI Rules Engine.Diagram titled Structured Information Exchange with bi-directional arrows between Giver and Receiver.Visual showing only relevant info: Clinical Information for residents, nurses and hospitalists; Financial information for case managers; Educational information for social workers


Improve Staff Retention

Caringly reduces time spent on documentation, speeds up access to relevant patient data, and eliminates clumsy workarounds such as messy handwriting, phone calls, print outs, or email. Support new-to-practice clinicians with quantified handoffs, performance surveys, and supervision features.

Visual of computer screen titled Received Handoff with a column for list of resident names, a column labeled Receiving From containing checkboxes, and a column labeled Observer, also containing checkboxes. Overlaid on top is another window that shows patient info and an input box for Handoff Summary that contains a free text description about the patient.
Analytics of employee time spent


Enhance HCAHP Scores

Elevate patient satisfaction by improving care continuity across providers, whether it’s within units, or between units and organizations. Caringly works on phones, tablets, laptops, and desktop computers and empowers nurses, residents, hospitalists, case managers, and social workers to deliver effective care.

Dashboard with metrics for HCAHPS, Care Transition Quality Index with a score of 85, meaning Great, length of stay chart, and chart for discharge delays.
Logo of the Caringly Q product
Dashboard with different sections. There's a section for Care Transition Quality Index and a score of 85 meaning great. Another section shows the Most Common Diagnoses with Summaries, with a list that includes Septicemia 116, Osteoarthritis 112, Complications during childbirth 112, Acute myocardial infarction 49, Cardiac dysrhythmias 22.

Another section shows Employee Time Spent with a list of employees and the hours and minutes they've spent.

Quantified Care Transitions

Caringly Q measures the quality of information exchange through real-time KPIs, summary metrics, and care transition surveys so that you and your team can sustain high quality care transitions in every unit.

Unlock New Avenues of Revenue

See how Caringly improves financial performance and enhances clinicians’ lives today.

Application dialog that asks Receive Handoff? Nurse John Smith wants to handoff patient Jane Doe. Are you ready to receive this handoff?