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Get It Right From the Start

Ensure that case managers have a complete picture of the patient’s discharge plans when they start their shift.

By facilitating better information exchange between case managers and the interdisciplinary team at shift change, roundings, and beyond, Caringly enhances care coordination, improves reimbursements, and prevents discharge delays and readmissions.

Dashboard with number of handoff summaries created, handoff summaries per patient, action items created and completed, action items per patientRepresentation of screen with patient data of Tanaka Hiroshi. There is a section of an editable Handoff Summary with some text about the patient's discharge. There are also sections for Previous Summaries, Length of Stay, and Insurance Details. The Length of Stay section has Actual LOS of 13 days 20 hrs and Expected LOS of 15 days.
Adult caucasian woman holding an ipad wearing casual clothes with slight smile looking directly into the camera
The Problem

Lost in Transition

As the cornerstone of care coordination, case managers orchestrate a complex array of responsibilities, from negotiating LOA agreements and providing IMM letters, to arranging higher levels of care (HLOC) transfers and planning discharges. Effective case management requires complete patient information and real-time updates on care coordination tasks. However, critical details can get lost or miscommunicated between inpatient, ED case managers, and the interdisciplinary team during shift changes and other interactions—leading to discharge delays, denied reimbursements, and subpar care outcomes, especially when caseloads are high.

Illustrations representing ED Case Manager, Inpatient Case Manager, Nurse, Resident, Social Worker, Hospitalist all surrounding a broken chain in the middle.
Our Solution

Caringly CM: The Care Transition Platform for Case Managers

Caringly is designed to address the challenges faced by case managers. Our user-friendly system ensures the accurate exchange of relevant information across case manager shifts and case manager-led interdisciplinary team conversations, eliminating the risk of crucial details slipping through the cracks.


Intelligent Case Prioritization

Caringly flags priority cases using intelligent algorithms that consider factors such as HLOC transfers or date of discharge so that case managers can prevent costly delays.

Computer screen entitled Case Manager Handoff with cards for each hospital unit such as 1 North ICU, 1 South ICU, 5 South, CAS, and so on. Each card has a count for the number of cases within the unit, but some of the cards also have an indicator for the number of high risk or transfers.


Accurate Handoffs

Caringly’s safeguards and reminders ensure that case managers share vital details with the post-acute care providers (e.g. SNF, home health) and the rest of the multidisciplinary team before ending their shifts to ensure seamless continuity of care.

List of patients and their corresponding rooms and actions. The action column has values like Accept Handoff, Assign, Added to My List. Overlaid on top of the list is a dialog prompt with heading Start Handoff and body text that says, "Of the 9 patients in your list, you have added Notes for 3 patients. Please add Notes for these patients before completing handoff."


Enhanced Revenues

Optimize length of stay with Caringly’s patient throughput metrics. Caringly facilitates accurate information exchange between case managers, doctors, nurses, discharge planners, and social workers at shift change and beyond—minimizing denied or delayed reimbursements.

Dashboard with chart for length of stay showing that the length of stay is decreasing over time, a section for care transition quality index with score of 85 which is great, a chart that shows increasing reimbursements, and a chart that shows decreasing discharge delays
Logo of the Caringly Q product
Dashboard with different sections. There's a section for Care Transition Quality Index and a score of 85 meaning great. Another section shows the Most Common Diagnoses with Summaries, with a list that includes Septicemia 116, Osteoarthritis 112, Complications during childbirth 112, Acute myocardial infarction 49, Cardiac dysrhythmias 22.

Another section shows Employee Time Spent with a list of employees and the hours and minutes they've spent.

Quantified Handoffs

Caringly Q measures the quality of information exchange between providers through real-time KPIs, shift reports, and surveys so that your organization can sustain high quality handoffs, transfers, roundings, and discharges.

Transform Care Coordination

Discover the future of case management handoffs today.

Screen dialog prompt illustrating the application that asks Receive Handoff? You're receiving handoffs for 7 patients from 11 case managers. Do you want to continue?